För frågor och ärenden gällande SLU Artdatabankens API:er, använd kontaktformuläret för API:er.
Artportalen version 2.21.4
Possible values are:
If the parameter is not included in the request the default value will be
"NotUnsureDetermination" which will result in the same behaviour as previous version.
The parameter makes it possible to include sightings reported as "unsure determination"
in the response.
Artportalen version 2.20.3
ShortName is abbreviations for provinces.
Affected endpoints:
PresentationNameParishRegion is the full name of the site as presented in Artportalen.
Affected endpoints:
Artportalen version 2.20.0
Response now includes properties
ratingId - media rating
ratingUserId - user id for user that rated the media
No endpoint for possible rating id values.
List of values:
Artportalen version 2.17.5
Added parameter geometryWkt to make it possible to create sites that are polygons.
Parameter geometryWkt only handles the geometry type POLYGON, no other types.
Information about geometry types : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text_representation_of_geometry
When providing a geometryWkt parameter additional values for northing- and easting coordinates will be ignored and are set to the centroid of the geometry.
Artportalen version 2.17.0
Returns a list of sightingsId's that has been deleted since a specified time.
Response now also includes
Artportalen version 2.16.9
Parameter "controllingOrganizationId" is added to the request.
If "controllingOrganizationId" is included in the posted content the ownership of the created sighting is given to the specified organization.
Values for "controllingOrganizationId" are provided from SLU Artdatabanken.
Ownership of sighting means the right to edit the sighting.
Normally the reporter of the sighting has the ownership.
If ownership is given to an organization only authorized members of the organization can edit the sighting.
Artportalen version 2.16.7
Finds taxa by name search.
Now also finds taxa by synonyms.
ex. search on "karljohan" returns "stensopp".
Taxa_GetTaxaBySearch is a copy of the obsoleted method Taxa_GetTaxaByIncrementalSearch.
Switch to Taxa_GetTaxaBySearch instead.
Taxa_GetTaxaByIncrementalSearch will be removed from the API from April 1 2022.
New sorting options:
SightingCount - number of sightings reported for taxon
SightingCountAggregated - number of sightings reported for all childtaxa (plus number of sightings reported for the taxon)
This option makes it possible to present list of taxa in a "most common"-order.
Artportalen version 2.16.3
Site is a polygon if sitePolygon has data in response. Points in polygon returned in polygonCoordinateArray.
If sitePolygon is empty the site is a point.
{"sitePolygon": {
"coordinateSystemName": "string",
"epsg": 0,
"coordinateSystemId": 0,
Makes it possible to connect specific area types to a project (ex. “Natura 2000”, “Skyddad natur”)
Areas with matching areaTypeId and intersecting a bounding box will be returned.
Parameters in request:
areaTypeId – type of area. See endpoint AreaTypes_GetAreaTypes for possible values.
boundingBox - Bounding box in standard format "left,bottom,right,top" in Google Mercator coordinates.
Response includes polygon with all points (coordinates) that makes up the full polygon. Coordinates are in Google Mercator format.
Send sighting data in the request.
Response will return boolean true if sighting will be “protected by system” when saved in Artportalen otherwise boolean false will be returned.
Artportalen version 2.14.6.
Added to the response:
Used to define a list of taxa handled by the project.
"projectTaxa": [
"type": 0,
"hasChildren": 0,
"name": "string",
"id": 0,
"scientificName": "string",
"auctor": "string",
"speciesGroupId": 0,
"systematicOrder": 0,
"sightingName": "string",
"protectionLevelId": 0
Indicates if project members are allowed to create new project sites.
If value = false; sightings have to be reported on existing project sites.
Property: allowMembersToCreateSites (true/false)
Response includes now property "includedByTaxonId" which points out the taxon's parent when taxon is ranked lower then “art” (taxoncategory id = 17)
Ex) subspecies "Kärrsnäppa, underarten schinzii" has "includedByTaxonId" = 205617 ("Kärrsnäppa").* Property IncludedByTaxonId
Artportalen version 2.13.8.
List of all RegionalSightingState values. See RecentSightings_GetRecentSightingsBySearch that returns value.
Due to performance problems the method is redesigned. The method is now significantly faster.
In the response the following properties are removed/replaced:
Use Sightings_GetSightingsById to get data for properties that were removed in this version of Sightings_GetSightingsBySearch.
Improved result. Exact match is returned as the first item in response.
returns as first result
"type": 17,
"hasChildren": 1,
"name": "En",
"id": 222146,
"scientificName": "Juniperus communis",
"auctor": "L.",
"speciesGroupId": 1,
"systematicOrder": 87973,
"sightingName": "En"
1) Parameter "dateEdited" added to the request:
2) Three new properties added in the response:
The method response now includes:
Check new method RegionalSightingsStates_GetRegionalSightingStates for all values.
Response includes property
Possible to connect the new site to an existing parent site.
Valid parent sites have "isPublicBirdSite" = true
Artportalen version 2.13.7.
Both methods are now returning correct responses.
Artportalen version 2.13.4.
New default string matching pattern ”BeginsWith”.
Available string matching operators: “BeginsWith”, “Contains”, “EndsWith”
The following methods are now possible to query by “speciesNamesLanguageId” to retrieve names of taxa based on a specific language:
The following method is now including “speciesNamesLanguageId” in the response:
Artportalen version 2.13.4.
Result set limit increased to 1000 rows.
Parameter "sortOrder" now defaults to "Score".
The following methods now include "bbox" in the response:
Artportalen version 2.12.8.
New method to list all Nature conservation species facts
Parameter "NotPresent" now defaults to "DontIncludeNotPresent" if left unset.
Current behaviour:
notPresent left blank -> DontIncludeNotPresent
notPresent = false -> DontIncludeNotPresent
notPresent = true -> IncludeNotPresent
Now possible to add searchparameters
- redlistCategoryIds
- natureConservationSpeciesFactIds
Changed order for observers.
Now the first observer in the list "observerIds" will be displayed as first observer at www.artportalen.se
Returns english names of taxa if the user has set “English” in her/his user profile.
Currently only speciesgroup birds have english names.
To get english names:
- change speciesnamelanguage in Artportalen's (www.artportalen.se) user profile.
- call method with user credentials
Fixed bug. Method crashed when trying to return > 300 records.
Artportalen version 2.12.7.
Response includes now property "includedByTaxonId" which points out the taxon's parent.
Ex) subspecies "Kärrsnäppa, underarten schinzii" has "includedByTaxonId" = 205617 ("Kärrsnäppa").
"SightingName" should be used when displaying name of taxon for an observation,
Ex) Observation for "hackspettar" should be displayed as "Ob. hackspett" (taxonid: 2002098)
Method Taxa_GetProbableTaxaBySearch is removed and replaced by Taxa_GetProbableTaxa
TaxonCategoryId is returned as propertyName "type" in
Returned value was not correct.
"Type" represents which category a taxon has.
The taxon categories are listed in the PDF doc (Species Information API documentation) which can be found at https://api-portal.artdatabanken.se/docs/services/
Artportalen version 2.12.6.
The method Taxa_GetProbableTaxaBySearch will be removed in a release after February 13 2019. Do not use this method.
The new method Taxa_GetProbableTaxa replaces Taxa_GetProbableTaxaBySearch.
Taxa_GetProbableTaxa (/taxa/occurrence) has performance advantages compared with the old method.
Data are pre-calculated on yearly basis.
Artportalen version 2.12.5.
Läs om diffusering av fynd (svenska)
For information about site diffusion see (english)
Diffusion (Diffusion_GetDiffusions)
Gets a list of all possible diffusion values (id 0 is used for undiffused coordinates).
Site GET (different methods)
All GET operations that returns Site(s) includes property for
Now possible to include "diffusion" to mark that the real coordinates should be hidden.
Valid values are returned by Diffusion_GetDiffusions
Artportalen version 2.12.4.
Felmeddelande skickas vid användning av Offset-Limit.
Metoder som berörs:
Nu returnerar Offset-Limit svar. Obs! Se dokumentation för begränsning.
Metoder som berörs:
• Sites_GetSitesBySearch
Nu returnerar Distance rätt svar.
I nuvarande implementation fungerar Offset-Limit så här:
Offset=100&limit=124 => visar träff 100 – 124
Metoder som berörs:
Efter rättning är limit relativ offset:
Offset=100&limit=25 => visa träff 100 – 124
Vid utelämnande av ”quantity” eller att 0 skickas in får man ett felmeddelande tillbaka.
Metoder som berörs:
Värdet för "quantity" kan utelämnas och resulterar då i Quantity = NULL, vilket gör att observationen står som ”noterad”.
Metoder som berörs:
SpeciesGroupID läggs till i returnerat svar.
Förtydligande av dokumentation
Ingen funktionell förändring av funktionen endast förtydligande av dokumentation.
Metoder som berörs:
Ny dokumentation:
Anropet fungerar endast för kommuner och landskap och returnerar bara data för taxa som finns i Artportalens listor.
med AreaTypeId = 1 (kommuner)
med AreaTypeId = 16 (landskap)
De id som returneras kan sedan användas i Areas_GetTaxaByAreaId.
För frågor och ärenden gällande SLU Artdatabankens API:er, använd kontaktformuläret för API:er.