Funding for taxonomic research

Last changed: 08 May 2024

The Swedish Taxonomy Initiative aims to map and scientifically describe all plants, animals and fungi in Sweden, with priority for poorly known species and groups of organisms. As part of this, funding for taxonomic research is announced annually.

Reporting research projects

Projects started before 2021

If you have funding for a project started before 2021 (has registration number starting with years up to and including 2019) use these report forms. The report must be made no later than 31 March of the following year.

Project report (doc)  

Financial report (doc)  

Taxon report (xlsx)  

Projects started 2021

If you have funding for a project that was started in 2021, you make your report via two web forms. The report must be made no later than 20 February of the following year.


Contract form