SLU news

Animal testing in research – what, how and why?

Published: 02 May 2022

A new version of was recently launched. The website is a collaboration between the Swedish Research Council and eight institutions of higher education, including SLU – the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. It is aimed at anyone wishing to gain basic knowledge about the use of animal testing in research in Sweden.

– Animal testing evokes mixed emotions and the issues surrounding animal testing are complex. At the same time, those who work with research and research issues have an important responsibility to provide information about animal testing, laws and regulations, and ethics," says Madeleine Durbeej-Hjalt. She is Secretary General for Medicine and Health at the Swedish Research Council and the person responsible for the content of the site.

The website is mainly visited by teachers and young people in secondary schools. In addition to information on what animal testing is, how and why it is done, and laws and regulations, there is an extensive section on ethics. There are also a number of exercises and activities for schools, with accompanying teacher guides.
The content is relatively static. New content is added, and existing content is updated as necessary. The website is in Swedish

Focus on the users

The redesign of the website was preceded by an extensive preliminary study, including interviews with users. An impact map was then created, and a website was designed and developed with functionality based on the users' needs.

The collaboration is organised around a steering group and a lead editor, as well as an advisory editorial board. SLU has a representative on both the steering group and the editorial board. The Swedish Research Council is responsible for content, operation and editing and contributes one third of the costs. The remaining costs of running the website are shared between the eight higher education institutions.

Suggestions, questions and comments on the content of the website can be sent to
