Draft – Information to data subjects about the processing of personal data at SLU Swedish Species Information Centre

Last changed: 28 February 2023

This information explains how personal data is processed within SLU Swedish Species Information Centre and our web services.

In general

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is the data controller for the processing of your personal data. SLU processes personal data in accordance with the regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, found via the link below. These rules are called the data protection regulation, or the English abbreviation GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Your contact is Cecilia Nordström, SLU Swedish Species Information Centre, who is available via cecilia.nordstrom@slu.se.

The data protection officer at SLU (Privacy and Data Protection Function Unit) can be reached at dataskydd@slu.se or by phone at 018-67 20 90.

SLU Swedish Species Information Centre


SLU Swedish Species Information Centre is a collaborative centre within SLU. An important part of what we do is to provide and spread knowledge and information about species and nature types. The information is offered free of charge on web sites and through digital newsletters. It is also offered for payment via books, newspaper subscriptions (vilken betald tidning är det?) and conferences. SLU Swedish Species Information Centre also distributes grants for taxonomic research, inventories, networking activities (lägga till detta?) and the care and development of Swedish biological collection. 

We collect, store, and process the personal information needed for us to be able to fulfil our obligations towards you. For example, such obligations can be to deliver the service or product that you have ordered, perform customer administration and care, and to administer research applications and agreements. The personal data in question are:

  • contact information such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address for delivering a service or product that you have ordered, and, upon the purchase of The Encyclopaedia of the Swedish Flora and Fauna, for informing about upcoming volumes 
  • information about special diatary needs for the participation in conferences
  • contact information such as name and e-mail address for sending newsletters or other information that you actively agree to receive. 

SLU will also process your personal data in the ways required to follow current regulation for public documents and government archives.

Legal basis

When you purchase a book, order a publication, or register for a conference, the legal basis for us to process your personal data is fulfilled by the agreement in question.

The legal basis for processing your personal data upon applications for research funds is that such processing is necessary to be able to bring about a potential agreement.

For other communication, for example free-of-charge newsletters, the legal basis is your consent.

In other respects, SLU processes the personal data as required to meet the requirements for government agencies' handling and archiving of public documents, which is a matter of public interest according to Swedish law.


Your personal data are disclosed to SLU's partners so that we can fulfil our obligations towards you. For example, partners can be suppliers of conference arrangements or customer support for books retail. Suppliers are personal data assistants and their treatment of personal information is regulated through personal information assistant agreements with us.

SLU may disclose personal data to those who request them together with public documents in accordance with the rules on public documents, unless they are to be classified as confidential.

Storing data

We store personal data as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes stated above. For you to be able to take advantage of your rights according to The Consumer Purchase Act (konsumentköplagen) we will store the personal data for three years. If you place a new order within three years of your last order, your personal data will be stored for three additional years.

We never process your personal data for longer than is permitted by applied law, regulation, or authority decision.

Also, your personal data are stored as long as is required by current legislation on public documents and government archives.

Web services


We collect, store, process and make available information, including personal data, to facilitate nature conservation and research, and diffuse knowledge of species and nature types.

We collect, store, process and make available personal data

  • to enable quality reviews of information reported to SLU Swedish Species Information Centre
  • to, in accordance with good publishing practice, and as part of the quality declaration, be able to correctly name persons who have delivered facts or in any other way contributed in the work of producing published material
  • to provide other actors with quality assured data
  • to develop and deliver well-functioning and high-quality systems linked to the need for species information and to support the purposes of this paragraph
  • to enable the production of lists, analyses and statistics
  • to enable login and management of user accounts
  • to enable contact between users

We also process any personal data that users themselves choose to provide.

SLU will also process your personal data in the ways required to comply with current regulation on public documents and government archives.

About SLU Swedish Species Information Centre's web services(engelsk version verkar saknas)

Legal basis

The SLU Swedish Species Information Centre's web services are provided free of charge to the public. To access extended functionality, such as the ability to report and analyse observation data, a user account, subject to the Terms and conditions for account holders, must be created. In this way, the account holder enters into an agreement with SLU. SLU processes personal data in the ways necessary to fulfil this agreement.

Provision of the web services is also part of SLU's work with continuous environmental analysis, according to the regulation (1993:221) on SLU, ch. 1. Section 1a. The specific work of SLU Swedish Species Information Centre is described in the document Instruktion för ArtDatabanken, SLU ua 2014.1.1.1-3204. Therefore, the processing of personal data within the web applications is also made to fulfil a task of public interest.

In other respects, SLU processes the personal data as required to meet the requirements for government agencies' handling and archiving of public documents, which is a matter of public interest according to Swedish law.


Some personal data about the reporter/account holder are publicly displayed in services and is submitted via APIs or manually to other government agencies, non-profit organisations and other actors. This information has been provided in accordance with the current terms of use (see the link above) which are approved by the account holder.

The personal data that the account holder has chosen to make visible will also be available to other logged-in account holders.

Via the SLU Swedish Species Information Centre's services, first and last names and postal addresses linked to find information may be transferred to users internationally.                  

SLU may disclose personal data to those who request them together with public documents in accordance with the rules on public documents, unless they are to be classified as confidential.

Storing data

Your personal data linked to published information are stored as long as there is a need to have personal data linked to the information.

Your personal data are also stored as long as required by the legislation on public documents and government archives.

Your other personal data, linked specifically to your account at the SLU Swedish Species Information Centre, are stored as long as your account is active.

Your rights

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to have your data deleted, corrected, restricted, and to receive access to the personal data being processed, as well as the right to object to the processing due to your personal circumstances. To use your rights, contact dataskydd@slu.se, 018-67 20 90.

Anyone who has consented to their personal data being processed also has the right to withdraw this consent. If you no longer wish to receive communication from us (for example through newsletters), you can withdraw your consent by unregistering using the link in each newsletter or by contacting SLU Swedish Species Information Centre.


If you have comments on SLU's processing of personal data, you can contact dataskydd@slu.se, 018-67 20 90.

Data protection at SLU is a compilation page on the employee website about data protection and the processing of personal data, with, among other things, Frequently asked questionson data protection and Data protection manual.

If you are not satisfied with SLU's answer, you can contact Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection with a complaint about SLU's processing of your personal data.

E-mail: imy@imy.se
Tel: 08-657 61 00

You can read more about the data protection regulation GDPR on the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection website.